Meeting Minutes – June 11, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Gerret KD8YUK. There were 13 members in attendance.
Gerret was the evening’s presenter with on overview of LCARA 2019 Field Day plans.
Hospital Report: No reports of anyone being ill.
General Announcements: August 24th is the CRIM race in Flint. Volunteers to provide communications are being sought.
Bill KD8VP has 3 beams for sale. Cushcraft A4S & A3S, and a HyGain TH6DX.
The Genesee club will sponsor a Fox Hunt in the fall. Contact W8ZAC for details.
President Report: The Garden City Amateur Radio Group is sponsoring a special event station at the D-A Scout Ranch on July 1-5th. They request we (LCARA) actively monitor our repeater to provide contacts to the Scouts working on their Communications Merit Badges.
The LCARA board meeting discussion items were shared with the membership.
An educational opportunity scheduled for field day will be determining the condition of some silent key equipment donated to LCARA.
Secretary Report: The meeting minutes from the May meeting were read and unanimously approved by the membership present.
Treasure Report: The report was read and unanimously approved by the membership present.
Repeater Trustee Report: No technical issues with the repeaters.
E.C. Report: The communications provided for the Big Fish Triathlon Event went very well. There were communication volunteers from Midland, Genesee, Lapeer and St Clare counties.
There will not be an ARES meeting in June.
Webmaster / D-Star Report: D-Star Links were updated on June 10th and the schedule provided. The intent of the automatic link schedule is to accommodate weekday commuters in S.E. Michigan while maintaining a link to other repeaters throughout the state during the middle of the day.
Substantial discussion took place concerning the complication and number of automatic links. More discussion will take place for the protocol review and perhaps a simpler plan.
Presentation Coordinator: July’s presentation will be antenna analyzer review. August will be the LCARA picnic, September will be VP9 DX-pedition. Contact Gordon N8GMM if you have ideas or can provide a presentation.
Old Business: Incorporation papers were sent to the State of Michigan and we are awaiting approval. Once the approval is granted we will proceed with determining which 501C plan best suits the nature of our association.
50/50 won by Gordon N8GMM and he donated the proceeds to the treasury.
Meeting adjourned 8:28 pm.
Respectfully submitted,