Founder of Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association
(courtesy of WMPC)

Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association
Serving Lapeer County & Surrounding Communities in Michigan

The Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association – founded in 1953 by Hollis Hayes, W8ACD /sk – is as diverse as its nearly 60 members. We are involved with a number of community service activities which include SkyWarn® in conjunction with the National Weather Service and local officials to provide an early warning system in the event of threatening weather. We also provide a system for back up communications for our county in the event that a natural or other disaster should occur.

Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC Saturday and running through 2059 UTC Sunday. During Field Day we set up and operate amateur stations utilizing emergency power simulating a national disaster. This event takes place over a 24 hour period giving new and prospective amateurs a chance to work a number of stations under the direction of one of our seasoned veterans. Although Field Day has developed into a major contest for many, it is still a great opportunity to test yourself and your equipment. Join us each year for a fun event. LCARA also participates in the annual Simulated Emergency Test where we provide emergency communications for local fire, EMS, emergency management and public safety personnel.
The Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association has a long history of providing public service communications for community events such as walks, runs, bike-a-thons, and triathlons. Activities such as these assist event organizers and promote safety while allowing participating radio operators an opportunity to exercise their radio skills and equipment.
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