Constitution of the
Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association
Article I – Title
The following constitution shall supersede any previous constitution of the Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association.
Article II – Name and Objectives
The name of this organization shall be The Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association (LCARA). The associations objectives shall be those set forth in the Federal Communication Commission Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service; the representation of member Amateur Radio Operators in legislative and FCC matters; promotion of fraternalism among those interested in the Amateur Radio Service; enhancement of the image of Amateur Radio Operators in the minds of the general public; encouraging the furtherance of both formal and self taught education in electronics and radio communications; and such other activities as shall be in keeping with and in promotion of these objectives.
Article III – Membership
There shall be two classes of membership in the association.
Licensed members: Shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote and to hold office in the association.
Associate members: (non-licensed) shall have all the rights and privileges of membership, but shall have no right to vote or to hold office in the association.
Membership may be terminated as follows: Non-payment of dues within ninety days of their due date shall automatically result in suspension of membership until the dues are paid.
Article IV – Dues
Membership dues shall due at the October General Membership meeting. The Executive Board, as defined in Article VII, may suspend dues for any member where it finds that undue hardship would result.
Article V – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the association shall be from October 1 through September 30 for each calendar year.
Article VI – General Membership Meetings
Regular meetings shall be held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.
The annual meeting for election of officers and determination of annual dues shall be held on the second Tuesday of each September at 7:30 PM. All elections shall be by secret ballot. A simple majority vote of the voting membership present shall constitute a quorum of the General Membership.
Article VII – Officers
The officers of the Association shall be: President; Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer; and repeater trustee.
Terms of the officers shall commence on the date of the first regular meeting in October of the year elected and election of officers will be held yearly. Any office left vacant by reason of death, disability, or resignation shall be filled at the next regular meeting following the occurrence. Officers of the Association will be elected by a simple majority vote of the members present.
Officers of the Association can be removed by a 2/3majority vote of the membership of the Association.
Article VIII – Duties of Officers
The President shall preside over all meetings as far as possible and is responsible to the membership for the activities and growth of the Association.
The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his absence and shall assist the President.
The Secretary shall keep a written record of all meetings and have these records available at all regular membership and board meetings and shall maintain correspondence as needed.
The Treasurer shall receive and give receipts for all monies received by the club, and will keep an accurate and detailed account of all monies received and/or paid out by the club. This record shall be available, in written form, at all regular membership and board meetings.
The Repeater Trustee shall be that member of the Association who holds the license for the Associations repeater. He shall be responsible for the repeater operation as prescribed by the Rules and Regulations of the F.C.C. and by the Executive Board.
Article IX – Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the Association and the Repeater Trustee.
The board shall meet not less than once each quarter of the year to conduct the business of the Association at dates, times and places to be determined by the Association President.
A quorum of the Executive Board shall be three members.
The Executive Board shall be answerable to the general membership and is charged with the overall care and maintenance of Association property, the collection of monies owed to the Association and expenditures of the Association funds. The board may authorize the treasurer to make reasonable expenditures of Association funds for day-to-day operation of its activities. New and/or major expenditures shall not be made without approval of the general membership.
Article X – Amendments
Any and all changes in the Constitution shall require notification of proposed changes to all members not less than 30 days prior to the voting date. Notification must be in writing to each individual member, with delivery by hand or U.S. mail.
Changes in this Constitution can only be made by a 2/3 majority vote of the membership of the Association.
Article XI – Dissolution of the Association
Should, at some date, three-fourths of the entire voting membership of the Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association decide to dissolve the Association, all remaining funds and monies, including those from the sale of any Association-owned properties and equipment shall be divided between selected non-profit associations benefiting amateur radio chosen by a majority of the full membership at the time of such dissolution.