President’s Notes
Thank You for the Generous Donations
The estates of three area amateur radio operators who are now silent keys donated a substantial amount of radio equipment to the club. The Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association would like to publicly and formally thank the families of:
- Ralph Caryl, W8LHG, SK
- Nancy Kott, WZ8C, SK
- Randy Shuck, K8EZ, SK
for their generous contributions to the radio hobby, and in particular to the amateur radio operators of Lapeer County.
The donated items are in the process of being inventoried, and the club will share the inventory prior to the May 2019 meeting. We haven’t made any decisions regarding what will specifically be done with the donated equipment.
First Quarter Board Meeting
Per the club Constitution, the club officers need to meet quarterly. Since we are pursuing re-incorporation and there are a variety of topics to discuss prior to bringing them to the membership for discussion and voting, it seemed prudent to resume the quarterly meetings.
Attendees: Gerret Peters, KD8YUK President; Kevin Boxey, KB8TAR Vice President; Paul Zuhlke, AB8XL Treasurer; Lee Dziekan, N8LJ Secretary; Mike Zedan, KN8Z Repeater Trustee; Scott Nicholes, N8XP Webmaster*
At a high level, we discussed the following topics: incorporation, the club’s constitution and its suitability to incorporation, status of 501c3, Smile FMs offer to host a repeater at their site on Burnside road, the status of the current repeater site if the decision was taken to locate a repeater at Burnside, ways to grow the membership, and upcoming activities the club might get/be involved with.
*the Webmaster is not an elected position; the board desired a discussion regarding the role of public relations and social media – what is often referred to as a Public Information Officer (PIO) role.
Incorporation Update
The State of Michigan has confirmed the club can incorporate under its name; the old corporation was fully and formally dissolved some years ago. This will allow the club to pursue insurance, necessary and prudent for some projects.
Incorporation also enables the club to consider obtaining non-profit status with the Internal Revenue Service, which would allow area entities to make tax-advantaged donations to the club. Specifics on this project are to be determined.