Meeting Minutes – July 13, 2021
The meeting was called to order by our Vice President Kevin KB8TAR at 7:34 pm. There were 12 members and guests in attendance.
Kevin presented a video by KG6LI who demonstrated antenna usefulness and the differences between some fiberglass pole manufactures.
Hospital Report- None reported
General Announcements- None
Secretary Report- Lee N8LJ read the meeting minutes from the May meeting. Motion to accept made by Gerret KD8YUK and seconded by Eric K8EPL. The membership present unanimously approved the report.
Treasures Report- Paul AB8XL presented the financial report. The motion to approve was made by Eric K8EPL seconded by Tom KC8KCQ and the membership present unanimously approved the report.
Trustee Report- Mike W8YRC reported the 2 meter repeater still has receiving issues which acts up on occasion. We are still seeking someone to inspect the antenna system on top of the tower. The audio card still has some issues that are under investigation.
Tom KC8KCQ requested the IRA link be enabled on Monday 5:30 pm to support the young amateurs net.
EC Report- Kevin KB8TAR reported a quarterly EMAC with the county is being planned. The next ARES will be an exercise for the group. Watch your email for details.
Old Business- The LCARA board needs to meet at Gerret’s QTH to finalize the status of the remaining donated equipment. Gerret will call a meeting via SLACK.
New Business- August picnic needs planning. Mike W8YRC suggested having it on a weekend and making it a family affair.
August is the time to formalize the nominations for the 2021/2022 LCARA officers. The voting is carried out at the September meeting.
Comments- Mike W8YRC wondered why Field Day was not held by LCARA? We’ve got to get organized events for the membership participation. A couple of ideas expressed for next year’s Field Day location, try to hold it at the repeater site or at the EOC. Eric K8EPL suggested having a solar station set up to demonstrate the technology to the public that may come by.
Meeting Adjourned 8:42pm
Respectfully submitted
Lee N8LJ