Meeting started @ 19:30 with 30 in attendance
Hospital: Russel Govette KE8YGV has a lung condition, another member in attendance had knee surgery. Tom mercer ke8agm was in the hospital
General Announcements: Livonia has a swap this coming weekend. Wifi has been updated to be in the current meeting area.
President-N8XP: Magazines of QST are on the table. The club has updated to a new web host.
Secretary-KE8RDB: Motion to skip KB8TAR/W8DLK
Treasurer-AB8XL: Balance of all fuds $4,470.70 accepted by KN8Z/KC8TWL
Repeater Report-W8YRC: J.R. has kindly provided internet to the club’s repeater due to his proximity. Scott N8XP has put up a WiFi dish on both ends to provide a stable connection. A computer was donated to have a constant connection to the 44.x section of the internet allowing Amature Radio to stay connected even if the regular internet goes down. The repeater has been updated to broadcast the time at the top of the hour and the current temperature. We are now able to connect to cameras via
Emergency Cor report-KB8TAR: Feb 21 @7pm, Kevin KB8TAR is now AUXCOMM certified
Training-KD8YUK: Possible next class will be in March.
Grant Projects-N8LJN: 29ppl, 16 got lisc. 21 new. 6 women have recvd the new radios. budget is 49% spent. youth training will be the class after next, to provide a less intimidating class group.
Old Business: still has a coupon code for their website.
New Business: March 16 from 9am-12pm for a training on antennas. This year marks the club’s 70th anniversary. Larry Camp WB8R sent a letter to the club recognising the clubs affiliation and has sent 2 plaques to be presented by Scott N8XP.
Motion to adjourn: W8DLK and N8LJN @ 20:40