After the passing of our friend and fellow amateur, Chuck Phelps WA8UCS, we were contacted by his family to announce that the equipment from his shack is available for purchase. Some of the items are listed here below. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Chuck’s son – John Phelps by phone or email.
John Phelps
- Yaesu FT-60R
- 2 – Icom IC-2200H
- MFJ-704 Low Pass Filter
- Icom IC-208H
- Ten-Tec Eagle Model 599
- Vibroplex Keyer Model ???
- Kenwood Power Supply KPS-15 (broken rear binding post)
- SEC 1235M Power Supply
- Heath Kit model HD-15 – Phone patch box
- Digital Sport Systems AM/SSB amp (small) 50-100watt
- Radio Shack Pro-2050 scanner
- HF Mobile antennas – RM-75, RM-40, RM-20-S, RM-17, RM-15, RM-11, RM-10, PHF-40, PHF-20
- Johnson low pass filter