Meeting Minutes – September 8, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm at our new meeting location in the Lapeer Center Building, 425 County Center St, Lapeer, MI. This location supports Covid spacing for the normal amount of members and guests that generally attend at our monthly meeting. Wifi, white board, television and projector with screen are available for our use. The cost of this meeting room is $30 per use.
Hospital Report:
Mike KD8OTZ is recuperating from home.
Mike KN8Z is nursing a back issue.
General Announcements:
Hazel Park Amateur Radio Club is offering amateur radio license classes via Zoom format. Contact Jerry Begel W9NPI Education Chairman via
VP Report:
Scott N8XP reported the FCC is considering a renewal fee for amateur radio licenses. This proposal is open for comments at the FCC website. The new radio equipment is installed and functional in the International Space Station. To use the ISS FM repeater, the uplink is 145.990 MHz with 67 Hz tone, the downlink is 437.80 MHz. The exchange between stations is your call and grid square.
Secretary Report:
Meeting minutes from the July meeting were read by Lee N8LJ and unanimously approved by the membership present.
Treasures Report:
The report was read by Paul AB8XL and unanimously accepted by the membership present. Paul also mentioned that he installed a receiver preamp on the 2 meter repeater and installed an auxiliary battery for the 2 meter system.
EC Report:
Kevin KB8TAR reported the Michigan section SET scheduled for October 10 will involve VHF and HF voice messaging between counties. See “ARES Connect” for more details. The November (date TBD) Red Cross communication exercise will focus on FLdigi communication with the Red Cross forms. The MI6 link to the hospital is awaiting hospital management approval.
Old Business:
The 501c3 document was returned from the state for some corrections. The corrections were made and resubmitted to the state for final approval.
New Business:
Paul AB8XL suggested that a receive preamp may help the reception on the 440 D-Star repeater. The cost is about $130.00. A motion was made and seconded to approve the expenditure. The expenditure was unanimously passed by the membership present.
Mike W8YRC suggested the LCARA look into shirts, hats and jackets with the LCARA emblem.
Election of the Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association 2020/2021 Officers
The following slate of candidates for officers was submitted to the membership present for consideration for the 2020/2021 season:
- President – Scott N8XP
- Vice President – Gerret KD8YUK
- Treasurer – Paul AB8XL
- Secretary – Lee N8LJ
- Repeater Trustee – Mike KN8Z
The floor was open for discussion and additional nominations for the slate of officers. One additional member Mike W8YRC expressed interest in the Repeater Trustee position. He was nominated to also run for the position of Repeater Trustee.
The positions of President, Vice President, Treasure, and Secretary were unanimously acclaimed by the membership present since there were no opposing candidates. The election of Repeater Trustee was held by secret ballot. After the board counted the ballots, it was determined the membership voted Mike W8YRC to be the Repeater Trustee.
50/50 was won by Scott N8XP. He donated the proceeds to the LCARA Treasury.
Meeting adjourned 9:00pm
Respectfully submitted,