Meeting Minutes – September 14, 2021
The first meeting of the new season was called to order at 7:30 pm by Vice President Kevin KB8TAR. There were 10 members in attendance and two via our first use of a Zoom meeting link, Scott N8XP and Chet VE3CFK.
Lee N8LJ presented “FT8 Digital Communication”
Hospital Report- None reported
General Announcements- None reported
President’s Report- Scott N8XP reported the accomplishments of our Association over the past year, the All Star Link, repeater system linked into 13 nets, 501C3 status approval, new meeting location with internet and Zoom capability.
Secretary Report- Lee N8LJ read the minutes from the July meeting. Mike W8YRC made a correction of the reported minutes that “Field Day 2021 was cancelled due to COVID restrictions”. Dick KC8VHA motioned to approve the corrected minutes, Eric K8EPL seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved by the membership present.
Treasurers Report- Paul AB8XL reported the state of the treasury. A motion to accept the report was made by Mike W8YRC seconded by Dick KC8VHA and the treasury report was unanimously approved by the membership present.
EC Report- Kevin KB8TAR reported there will be an ARES meeting Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the EOC basement. All are welcome to attend. There will be a Lapeer SET this month.
Repeater Trustee Report- Mike K8YRC says the fall repeater maintenance day at the repeater site will be Sunday October 31. If you can spare a few hours and lend a hand please be there. The alternate weather day if it’s necessary will be November 7th
Old Business- A quote for the repeater antenna analysis was received from Thumb Tower Co. A motion was made by Lee N8LJ and seconded by Mike W8YRC to spend the $240 as quoted. After a short technical discussion, the motion was unanimously approved by the membership present.
Scott N8XP reported internet connection issues between the repeater site and our host link. He suggested we sign up with and obtain a “hot spot” for our site for $120/yr. Further discussion revealed an alternate plan. The CMEN group offered an RF internet link to the hospital tower. This would cost us $300 for equipment at the hospital and $300 at our repeater site. Scott suggested this could be a fundraising goal for 2022.
A request last month by Tom KC8KCQ to add the “youth net” to our linked repeater schedule was accomplished and should now be functioning.
New Business- 2021-2022 Elections: No nominees were submitted to run for Association offices, the current office holders agreed to stay in place for another year. Approved by unanimous acclimation of the members present.
Motion to adjourn the September meeting made by Kevin KB8TAR seconded by Dick KC8VHA unanimously approved at 9:05pm.
Respectfully submitted