Meeting Minutes – October 12, 2021
The meeting was called to order by President Scott N8XP. There were 7 members present.
Hospital Report- Paul AB8XL fractured his scapula.
Announcements- None
President Report- Scott was in Dallas, TX and leading the meeting via Zoom.
Secretary Report- A correction was made to the September minutes. The “Hot Spot” we use for the repeater shack internet connection was obtained from Tech not Tech The amended minutes were approved by the membership present.
Treasurer Report- Paul AB8XL presented the financial report. The motion to accept was made by Lee N8LJ, seconded by Mike KN8Z and unanimously approved by the membership present. Paul reports there are 16 paid members. Remember Dues are Due!
Trustee Report- The UPS at the repeater shack failed. Lee N8LJ gave Paul AB8XL a module to provide proper power to the computer motherboard in the repeater shack via 12 volt battery. Paul will check the module performance.
EC Report- The October ARES meeting will be October 20 at the EOC at 7 pm. All are welcome. Kevin KB8TAR will attend the quarterly EMAC meeting. At the Sept 25 SET, the ARES team was able to pass messages between the Clifford overturned bus exercise site and the ARES team at the EOC.
Old Business- Awaiting confirmation timing to get the repeater antennas swept by Thumb Radio. The Fall clean up at the repeater shack will be October 31 about 9AM. Help is needed to clean up the area and all are invited. It should not take more than a few hours. If the 31st is a bad weather day, clean up day will be Nov 7th.
New Business- The documentation for our nonprofit status for the state and the IRS were filed by Scott N8XP. Scott will also document the procedure.
Scott proposed a lifetime membership for LCARA. It will be priced at 25 (years) times the $20 per year current price of membership. Payable by cash or check to eliminate fees associated with online payments. Paul AB8XL made a motion to support the proposal, Mike KN8Z suggested we table the proposal, review and vote 0n it at next month’s meeting.
Christmas Dinner Meeting- December 14 will be our annual Christmas dinner meeting. It will be held in the Lincoln Room at the Lapeer Civic Center (our normal meeting room). Members and significant others are invited. The estimated cost per person will be $15 payable at the dinner meeting. It will be a buffet dinner catered by E.G Nick’s.
The planned menu will be Salad, Bread Sticks, Mostaccioli, Alfredo with Chicken, Ribs and Chicken Tenders, Soda Pop, Desert will be Brownie’s with Cream Cheese.
Please RSVP by December 7th via the LCARA email
A motion was made to reimburse the person who will pick up the E.G. Nick’s dinner (for now $160, it can be more based upon the RSVP’s received). Mike KN8Z made the motion, Kevin KB8TAR seconded, approved by the membership present.
Meeting adjourned at 8:13pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lee N8LJ