Meeting Minutes – November 11, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Scott N8XP. There were 11 members and guests in attendance.
Hospital Report: None
General Announcements: None
President’s Report: This is the third month in our new location. Scott N8XP is investigation adding a remote option to increase meeting participation.
VP Report: Gerret KD8YUK reported he is still working on our “Outreach Plan” for 2021 based upon the “Foundations’ of Radio” theme. It may include 2nd quarter licensing class.
Secretary’s Report: Lee N8LJ read the minutes from the October meeting. They were approved as read by the membership present.
Treasure’s Report: Paul AB8XL presented the treasury report. It was approved as read by the membership present.
Repeater Trustee Report: Mike W8YRC reported the roof on the repeater shack has been replaced. Thanks to all those who showed up to help.
E. C. Report: Kevin KB8TAR reported the Lapeer ARES team will support the National Red Cross win-link peer to peer communication event Saturday November 14.
Tech Bytes: Scott N8XP presented and passed out All Star Node Preconfigured DTMF commands. This will allow members the ability to enable/disable IRA link associated with our 2 meter repeater. This information is also listed on our website.
Old Business:
We are still waiting for the IRS to approve our submitted 501c3 paperwork.
The Christmas gathering will be at the Lapeer Center meeting location. Since we are limited in seating cause by the Chinese virus, it will be a limited affair with pizza and salad for the members in attendance. It will start a little earlier at 7pm. A $10 donation is requested.
New Business:
There were two concerns expressed of 2 the meter repeater operation. One was repeater drop during the IRA net, and the second report of different levels of audio.
The repeater guru’s are aware of the situations and are working on solutions. The IRA drop out is most likely caused by the time out timer not being reset with a remote dropped carrier. The audio levels may be due to the audio delay board and is also under investigation.
Also a reminder to the members that “The Big Red Button” is available on our website to report repeater anomalies. Don’t be afraid to report repeater issues to the team.
A new weather service is added to our website. It is
Our echo link to the repeater is W8LAP-R 52272.
Our long time member Dan KC1BUD is moving to Monroe, MI. Dan, stay in touch with the Lapeer group via the IRA link. Good luck at your new QTH.
50/50 was won by Dan KC1BUD. He donated the proceeds to the treasury.
Meeting adjourned 8:22 pm.
Respectfully Submitted