Meeting Minutes – February 14, 2023
Business Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Video Presentation – Icom 905, new radio, presented by Jason Johnston (KC5HWB), and Ray
Novak (N9JA)
Officer Reports
President’s Remarks
Hamvention worth going to in May
Handouts for the Icom 905
Hospital Report
N8XP – Back Surgery two weeks ago, recovering well.
General Meeting
Ham Swaps – 2 cancelled
AllStar Show & Tell with Raspberry Pi – to be installed at Lapeer County EOC
VP – No report
Secretary – Absent / Excused – No Minutes
Treasurer –
$20 cash
$377.66 checking
$5,075.56 CD – cashed out
$40.93 DTE
$5,412.29 total.
W8YRC motion to accept, N8PSP seconded
March is our big expense month.
P.O. Box due in May
Trustee Report –
Echolink password reset
All else sounds good
Emergency Coordinator –
February meeting tomorrow, 7pm at EOC
SkyWarn classes are available online
It is getting to be SkyWarn season.
Education Committee –
Gerret (KD8YUK) shared a brief update about the upcoming ham class.
Grant Committee –
Larry (N8LJN) shared an update on the grant from the ARRL.
The grant is $9,200, roughly distributed thus:
1/3 for outreach to new hams
1/3 for Technician licensing
1/3 Outreach and courses for existing hams / curating knowledge
ARRL grant, especially for under-served communities
Separate checking account, to be sure all grant funds are accounted for.
Larry is continuing outreach to ARDC to obtain a grant, but they are looking for more proof /
Old Business
Call for presentations – Filters
Field Day
Attica Township Park – Scott (N8XP) waiting to hear back.
Volunteers on the Air, Lee (N8LJ)
Each state gets 2 weeks
W1AW at home, use the W1AW/8 callsign.
February 22-28 looking for volunteers – lots of open slots
QRZ, or ARRL.Net
Michigan will have another week in October, easy process to sign up.
Winter Field Day, Lee (N8LJ)
MI QRP Group – W8QRP, operated on 5 watts
Sno-Drift Rally Video – Larry (N8LJN)
Lot of rallies require Ham Radio Operators
2 days long, mostly at night, long days
New Business
Future of LCARA – Discussion of possible permanent home
Cypress Integrations – Tony Diodato is the founder and CEO
John Uren W8URN (new LCARA member) is the Vice President and COO at Cypress
Cypress has a room that LCARA can use.
May be able to offer future space for a Club Ham Shack on their property, possibly space as a permanent
home for LCARA
There is possibility of putting up a tower, and may be able to give LCARA the space at the top of the tower.
The March LCARA meeting will be held at Cypress
1778 Imlay City Road – use the back door.
Larry – Thanks to Lee & Kevin for the help getting ready for Sno-Drift
KN8Z motion to Adjourn, KB8TAR Seconded
Submitted – KD8YUK