Meeting Minutes – June 9, 2020
Due to COVID-19 – Meeting Minutes from Zoom video conference
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President Gerret KD8YUK. There were 14 members logged into the Zoom video meeting.
General Announcements: Field Day rules have changed for 2020 due to the Corona Virus.
ARRL will allow class D stations (home stations and commercial power) to work other class D stations for points. This allows stay at home operators to contact any class stations they can hear.
ARRL will allow radio club completion. Members of the Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association when submitting their Field Day scores can also designate their score along, with other members, to the Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association. Then LCARA cumulative score will be posted and listed with other clubs.
See the ARRL website for Field Day information.
In order to comply with social distancing rules and the virus risk factures associated with a majority of our membership, the scheduled LCARA Field Day operation is cancelled for this year. Please submit your individual scores and designate Lapeer County ARA as your club.
Hospital Report: No one was reported to be ill.
Presidents Report: Gerret KD8YUK reported the board of directors met and resolved the final issues of our 501C3 application. Once the government opens up, we will submit the completed documents. The resolved issue was to add IRS required verbiage stating if the Association dissolves, none of the members financially profit from the Associations demise.
Vice President Report: Scott N8XP reports W8YRC has his new tower up and the VHF antennas are at 75 feet.
Secretary Report: Lee N8LJ read the meeting minutes from the March meeting. They were accepted by the membership logged in.
Treasures’ Report: Scott N8XP presented the status of the treasury. It was unanimously approved by the membership logged in.
EC Report: Kevin KB8TAR reported the June meeting will be held via over the air training. The Big Fish Triathlon, The CRIM event, Cystic Fibrosis event have been cancelled. The Michigan Section EC leader WB8RCR passed away in April. KE8DON has accepted this position.
Repeater Trustee: Scott N8XP reports that the “big red button” to immediately report repeater issues via our social media to Mike KN8Z was implemented. So far no repeater issues have been reported. Final programming and installation of the new VHF repeater system should be soon.
Social Media Report: Scott N8XP updated quick links for information and use of the D-Star and All-Star technology supported by our repeater systems. Our All-Star link capability is being noticed by other radio amateurs.
Future Meetings: The EOC training room is open for meeting. However, it’s the hosting organizations responsibility to clean and sanitize the room once the meeting is over. Masks must also be worn. Membership consensus was to hold the July meeting via Zoom video conference. The August meeting will be our annual picnic. We will then assess the situation for meeting location before the September meeting.
Meeting adjourned 8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,