15 in attendance. Meeting started @ 19:32
Presentation by Lee N8LJ on the topic of Antennas.
EZ-NEC is a software to analyze your signal/antenna.
Hospital call
-Scott N8XP having back surgery on Jan 30th.
General Announcements
Officer Reports:
VP- none
Sec- Read by Myles KE8RDB, motion by Garret KD8YUK and Kevin KB8TAR.
Treasury- $5450.01 motion be Lee N8LJ and Garret KD8YUK.
Trustee- Repeater coordination has been renewed for the next 2 yrs.
Emergency Coordinator- EMAC meeting tomorrow at 1pm.
Old Business
The County Press old article read, and we will be putting new article in paper soon announcing ARRL grant of $9,259. This grant was submitted with a line item and will be reviewed by the board for allocation.
Education- 2-day weekend class, Saturdays. Class time will be troubleshooting issues while studying. First class is tentative to start on March 25th.Garrett will have a better presentation for February meeting.
New Business
Winter Field Day – Mike W8YRC may be on the air at his home location.
Tower renewal with Lapeer schools till June 2025
Motion to adjourn Mike KN8Z and seconded by Garret KD8YUK. @ 21:16 Submitted by Myles KE8RDB.