Meeting Minutes – April 9, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Vice President Kevin KB8TAR. Gerret KD8YUK was ill. There were 15 members and guests in attendance.
Paul AB8XL was the speaker for the evening. His presentation described methodology and techniques used to properly install radios into a mobile environment.
Hospital Report: Nothing reported
Treasures Report: Paul AB8XL reported the status of the treasury. Bills paid last month were for the post office box, ARRL equipment insurance, and the electric bill. The report was unanimously approved by the membership present.
Secretary Report: Lee N8LJ read the minutes from the March meeting. The report was unanimously approved by the membership present.
Repeater Trustee Report: Mile KN8Z reported Will KB8YGA reset the clock on the 2 meter repeater system to daylight savings time and removed the D-Star message. Some reported the repeater was somewhat busy with the repeating message. The link to North Branch repeater has been restored.
On the D-Star machine, there was a router update at the Cypress site. The link is now solid & stable.
EC Report: The ARES meeting will be April 17 at 7 pm in the EOC basement meeting room and all are invited to attend. Kevin KB8TAR will attend the Great Lakes homeland security meetings the first week of May. The Saginaw club is requesting communication help with the Multiple Sclerosis walkathon on May 11. Contact Kevin for details. Lapeer’s Big Fish Triathlon will be May 26. Contact Kevin if you can help provide communication along the course.
Webmaster Report: Scott N8XP reports he will be updating the W8LAP webpage.
General Announcements:
Jon KC8USU and the Bay Area Radio Club is hosting special event station in honor of the Tall Ships Celebration, Thursday July 18 to Sunday July 21. He is looking for volunteers to help set up and operate the special event stations. His document is available for download at the end of these meeting minutes.
Gordon N8GMM reports the 50th anniversary of the Seven Ponds Astronomy Club. Check out their website for interesting presentations.
Old Business: Repeater Building Roof- No Update
New Business:
Paul AB8XL reported the lease for the repeater shack and tower was renewed for another 3 year term. It’s possible that the current site may be offered for sale. We were asked if it were sold, would we want to remain at the site? So tentatively we said we would like to stay at our present repeater site location with our current lease conditions.
LCARA received more items from silent keys. There will be a list available describing the items.
LCARA will sponsor a special event station at the Lapeer County Robo-Con, July 20, 2019 between 8-5 pm. The special event call sign will be W8A celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing. Scott N8XP will coordinate the activities with the Robo-Con. Lee N8LJ will help with station equipment and antenna set ups. We will need a few operators for radio demonstrations and explaining amateur radio technology to the general public.
Mark KE8BYG won the 50/50. Lee N8LJ won the morse code key selection.
Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lee N8LJ