Lee- shared a transceiver box he built to get on 10-80 meters.
Kevin- presented 3 hitch mounted options to hold, clamp and pivot antennas.
Larry- showed a homemade antenna base with radials to be used for training in our Technician Training Class.
Hospital reports:
Passing of Les Butler W8MSP on a trip with Tim Crane.
General reports:
Michigan QSO party – Saturday April 15th and for further info check out
Garret suggested to join Slack if you are not as it is a messaging system for the club.
Officer Reports:
President- Learning ICOM IC-705, LCARA was represented on the Chimera’s robotic team, which finished 2nd in its last competition. There is still extra wire to be sold, proceeds go to help robotics team.
VP- none
Secretary- Motion to pass- Garret KD, Mike KN8Z
Treasurer’s- Ending balance – $4,950.63
-Amazon Smile has ended.
-LCARA received the check for the full amount of our grant of $9,259.
-Paul and Scott are now on the Club’s bank accounts, the grant and clubs money are in 2 separate accounts.
-Motion to accept Kevin KB8TAR, second Myles KE8RDB
Trustee- proposed time to have spring clean up to be discussed in April. Linked repeater system has discontinued certain Nets due to lack of Net Managers
Emergency Coord- Kevin stated that March’s meeting is the following day and gave a short run down of what ARES is and how it’s connected to emergency personnel in the county. Sky Warn is on our sight @
Education- testing day is May 13, study days are April 29 and May 6.
New business:
Cypress is the new club location, offering a break room for meetings and a spare room for club Ham shack. Change of address motioned by Mike W8YRC, seconded by Lee N8LJ. Adjourned @ 20:47 motioned by Tom KC8KCQ, Kevin KB8TAR. Submitted by Myles KE8RDB.